Marissa Rose

| Podcast Host | Neuroscientist | International Speaker | Paramedic |

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With a tenure spanning nine transformative years in Australia's paramedic landscape, Marissa's journey intertwines professional brilliance with profound personal resilience. Registered as an Advanced Care Paramedic II, Marissa's professional saga spans diverse terrains: from state ambulance services in urban and rural hubs to vital roles in remote mining sectors. Her academic pursuits mirror her dedication—a Bachelor's in Paramedic Science, a Masters in Critical Care Paramedicine, and an ongoing exploration into the world of Neuroscience with another Masters. Beyond this, her dedication to shaping tomorrow's paramedics is evident as she imparts wisdom at the university level.

However, beneath the accolades, Marissa's path has navigated through shadows. The crescendo of her career complexities, combined with unresolved traumas from yesteryears, culminated in 2020. Facing burnout and the harrowing grip of PTSD, Marissa courageously chose introspection over inertia, taking a sabbatical in Australia's serene and remote locales.

This introspective phase proved pivotal. Side by side with her steadfast companion, Caesar the horse, and buoyed by a supportive circle, Marissa charted her course towards healing and post-traumatic growth.

In 2021, as a testament to her experiences and learnings, Marissa unveiled "The Paramedic Podcast". This venture delved deep into the seldom-discussed mental health nuances within the paramedicine realm, igniting essential conversations for global frontline heroes. Yet, evolution is a constant. Marrying her 27 years of equestrian passion with a deep understanding of equine therapy's therapeutic prowess, Marissa founded "Unbridled Connections". Here, she, alongside Caesar, weaves therapy sessions helping peers brave the challenges of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

The journey, however, doesn't halt here. Recognizing the need for an encompassing platform, Marissa has transitioned to a comprehensive brand—The Inner Response. A space where neuroscience meets heartfelt narratives. Dive deeper, connect, and discover more about this transformative journey by visiting

Artwork: Daniel Sundahl


Podcast: The Inner Response

What once thrived as an invigorating podcast delving into the less-charted terrains of paramedicine has evolved. We've rebranded to The Inner Response. For the latest episodes and enriching content, head over to or search "Inner Response podcast" premiering in November, 2023, when a new wave of episodes will unveil.

This podcast previously offered a compelling mix of conversations, shedding light on the seldom-discussed facets of paramedicine, including the intricate dance of mental health, the journey from post-traumatic stress to growth, resilience, hyper-vigilance management, and heartening paramedic tales. As The Inner Response, anticipate an even deeper, renewed exploration of these themes and more.

Season 2: Episode 2

Season 2: Episode 1

Season 1: Episode 12


Speaking Engagements

Marissa is open for engagements, bringing her unique voice to diverse platforms and events. She offers specialized insights into mental health, resilience, the intricate neuroscience underpinning trauma, and the transformative journey of post-traumatic growth. More than that, she presents her audience with actionable strategies, fostering an enhanced quality of life.

At the heart of her discourse is a powerful narrative: from harrowing struggles rooted in her childhood to her conscious choice of becoming a paramedic. This choice, while fulfilling, brought its own set of challenges, leading Marissa down the challenging path of PTSD. Yet, in her narrative lies the phoenix of post-traumatic growth—a journey from shadow to light.

Marissa's unique blend of personal experience, bolstered by her in-depth grasp of psychology and neuroscience, forms the foundation of her approach. Her bond with horses, emblematic of healing and connection, further enriches her narrative. Drawing from her firsthand experiences and academic knowledge, Marissa stands poised to uplift and empower her peers, offering both solace and strategies, reinforcing the belief that beyond the challenges, there's a dawn waiting at the end of the paramedic journey.


"Thank you for a great podcast. just started studying to start my career as a paramedic, you have taught me of things I need to learn about myself mentally on the journey before it even starts and its always a good time to empty that cup. Thank you.

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- Anonnymous

Hi Marissa, my name is Bree and I am currently undertaking my final year of my Paramedicine Degree at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst. I follow the Paramedic Podcast and just want to reach out and let you know how important I think the podcast is. For someone who is looking to start their career and journey into Paramedicine I am so appreciative of your openness and willingness to be vulnerable and discuss the hard topics and issues that paramedics face, all with the aim to help others. I know that myself and future paramedics will benefit immensely from people like yourself and your incredible guests who share their story. You are creating awareness and creating a much needed culture that emphasises the importance of reaching out and speaking up and sending the crucial message, you are not alone. This will help people and I truly believe will save lives. All the best for the year and I’m looking forward to listen to Season 2 Episode 2. Warm regards.

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- Bree

“Inspiring to see someone go through so much, experience so much and turn into motivation to learn more, grow more and move forward.

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- Conference Attendee

Extremely moving presentation. Doing amazing work to help others - very informative with great resources.

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- Conference Attendee

“Heartfelt and impactful. Calm. Strong. Honest.

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- Conference Attendee

Hey there Riss, just wanted to reach out and commend you on what an incredible podcast you have running. The guests you have on your podcast and their stories are just out of this world.

Thank you to you and your guests for sharing such powerful and inspiring stories. Oh and and thank you for shining such a bright light on the importance of mental health in Paramedicine. Hands down, just epic!

Looking forward to more eps to come!

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- Chels